2022-2023 Elementary Supply Lists
Preschool Supply List – Mrs. Sudbeck and Mrs. Schulz
- Full-sized book bag
- 1 small blanket
- 1 small pillow with pillowcase
- 6 Elmer’s glue sticks
- 2 bottles of Elmer’s glue
- 1 small round tip pair of scissors
- 1 box of Crayola markers
- 1 standard size box of Crayola crayons
- 4 containers of Clorox Disinfectant Wipes
- 1 large box of Kleenexes
- 4 packs of sensitive baby wipes
- Small or large Velcro dots (as many as you are willing to donate ��)
- 1 or more of your child’s favorite books to add to our classroom library
Kindergarten – Mrs. Sobotka
- Pencil Box (no zippers)
- 24 count crayons
- Colored pencils
- Markers
- Scissors
- 6 glues sticks
- Headphones (no earbuds)
- 2 box of Kleenex
- 1 large container of Clorox/Lysol wipes
- Book Bag (Large)
- 1 box of sandwich bags
- 1 box of gallon size bags
- Water bottle
Please make sure your child’s name is on all items including: book bags, jackets, coats, and snow gear.
Any items not on the supply list will be sent back home.
First Grade – Mrs. Halpin
- book bag
- 3 boxes of tissue
- plastic travel soap container (for crayons)
- sturdy pencil box- no zipper
- clipboard
- 3 containers of disinfectant wipes
Please label all supplies!
Second Grade – Mrs. Stubbs
- #2 pencils (several) - no mechanical pencils
- Eraser
- Dry erase eraser
- crayons (box of 24 or 48)
- colored pencils (box of 16 or more)
- 1-2 highlighters
- 2 wide-ruled spiral notebooks
- 2 STURDY folders with pockets
- clipboard
- pencil box
- Kleenex - large box to be stored for classroom use
- Water Bottle - medium size
- Tennis Shoes for PE
** If it is not on the list, it is most likely not needed, and may be sent home.
Third Grade – Mr. Stubbs
- 2-3 STURDY folders with pockets
- Several wide-ruled notebooks
- Several #2 pencils - no mechanical pencils
- Eraser
- Colored pencils - box of 16 or more
- Glue sticks - (a few small ones or 1 large one)
- Clipboard
- White board eraser
- 1 large box of tissues
** If it is not on this list, then it is not needed, and will most likely be sent home.
Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grades – Miss Sila, Mrs. Weiler, and Mr. Naeve
- 3 Packs of #2 pencils (3 dozen)
- 1 red pen
- 1 blue or black pen
- Eraser(s) 1 or 2 regular and a pkg. of pencil top erasers
- Colored pencils
- Pencil case
- 1 highlighter
- calculator (inexpensive)
- 2 pkgs of loose-leaf paper (totaling 500 sheets) college-ruled for 5/6 th and wide-ruled for 4 th
- 3 packages of 3x5 Index Cards
- 1 File box to hold index cards
- 3 1 inch 3 ring binders (Science, Social Studies, Math)
- 3 ring zipper binder for 4 th grade
- 5/6 th pick either a file folder or zipper binder
- 3 Large box of tissues (Kleenex, Puffs…)
** Assignment book will be provided
If not on list, it is not needed, and will most likely be sent home.